Saturday, April 16, 2005

My "Surprise" Birthday Party

I always wanted a surprise birthday party, and today I almost got one. While Aaron and I were gone fishing, Susan and Kim were setting up the party for me. Meanwhile, however, the construction jerks were behind our house tearing down the few remaining trees close to our fence, destroying all the shade for our house. Kim called my cellphone to tell Aaron to keep me out a little longer, but also told Aaron about the trees and not to say anything to me because I would freak out. Aaron said to Kim, "They tore down all the trees?!" Of course, I heard this and asked what was going on. Aaron just had this look on his face like, "Oh crap." So he had to tell me, and I immediately called Susan to tell her I was on my way home to kick someone's ass over this. Susan just begged and pleaded for me to stay put, to no avail, so she finally had to blurt out her intentions. This made even more mad because now, not only have these people ruined the back of our house but they ruined the first surprise birthday I ever had. I really have it out for those guys. But we had a good party and I'm glad they threw it for me.

Me with my cake

Monday, April 11, 2005


When we bought our home a year ago, one of the first and most important questions we had for Mark Herbert of Herbert Homes, Inc. was if the woods behind our house were there to stay. The answer was yes. Well judging from the picture below, that statement was incorrect. It is my opinion that this fact was witheld until most of the units on this side of the street were sold. Only then did land clearing begin. So now, when we open our bedroom window, instead of woods we are greeted by barren wasteland, and soon, I'm sure I'll be greeted by whatever shack they build 1 foot away from my property line. I've noticed that all the blog entries have been negative so far. Well, this would be remedied by something positive happening for a change!

This is what is left of the woods behind our house now.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Matt and Annie walking in the yard. Matt does his best to keep Annie worn out at all times.

Just a swangin'

Friday, April 08, 2005

Matthew playing on Annie's bed

Matthew and me getting ready to go to Annie and Papa's for the weekend

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Matthew and Carter having a blast

This was our first trip to the Augusta Aquatic Center. Kim and Carter came along as well. I can't say I was very impressed. The pool staff were overly assertive with their ridiculous rules. They wouldn't let Carter wear his water wings, they wouldn't let Kim wear a T-shirt and they wouldn't let Matt out of the deep end since he had an innertube. Then there were the foul-mouthed thugs that were cussing and being rambunctious all over us. Overall it was a crummy trip, but just because of other people. Oh well.

Matthew at the pool

Matthew ready to go swimming

Susan looking cute

Matt Hamming it up

I don't know what he was laughing about but it's a funny shot.

Matthew being cute

The First Blog Post

So I wonder if we live an interesting enough life that people would want to read about it. I guess we'll see. What's going on lately? Susan got her letter from ASU. She didn't make it into the nursing program thanks to Governor Sonny Perdue. Seems he only allowed enough funding to allow 50 people into the program, out of over 300 applicants to ASU alone. Didn't I remember hearing something about a nursing shortage? Hmm... wonder why. Perdue is an idiot. He has done so much to destroy people's hopes, aspirations, and lives. I encourage everyone to contact their representatives and let them know what they need to do in regards to educational funding.